Ewha Womans University Station (이대역) Line 2 – Station #241

No, that’s not a typo.  Nor is it Engrish.  For a long time I hadn’t even noticed the anomaly in Ewha Womans University’s name; then, when I did, it rankled my English-major sensibilities.  This was the university that produced South Korea’s first female Constitutional Court justice, its first female prime minister, that was one of…

Sangsu Station (상수역) Line 6 – Station #623

And after five years?  What then? The minute someone sits down at a keyboard, sets an f-stop, or turns over a fresh page in a sketchpad and tries to describe a place, it’s already a little bit gone.  Unavoidable and just fine really.  It clears the way for new records, allows for comparisons (maybe even…

Daeheung Station (대흥역) Line 6 – Station #625

A short ways from Sinchon Rotary, Daeheung Station serves Sogang University (서강대학교) and the surrounding neighborhood.  One of Korea’s most highly-esteemed universities, Sogang is a small Jesuit college, its undergraduate student population standing at around 11,000. Sogang’s front gate is about a ten-minute walk up Baekbeom-ro (백범로) from Exit 1.  Because I arrived there just…